Do you need a private Midwife?

Here at To Birth Beautifully pregnancy care throughout the pregnancy, birth and postpartum continuum is here for YOU!

We provide a real pick n’ mix of options, always with you as the centrepiece.

Continuity of care provider is the gold standard for maternity care, so why not choose to get to know your midwife and benefit from the experience?

So, what does this look like?

It is antenatal appointments with the same midwife

time to talk and learn

time to connect and feel supported

clinical care tailored to your specific needs

collaboration with allied health services (if necessary)

AND the same midwife caring for you throughout your postpartum up until 6 weeks.

You don’t need to be planning a home birth to engage with a private midwife. You can elect to birth within the hospital setting, in collaboration with Me-Clare.

All you need is a GP referral to access medicare rebates along the way and voila!

What do appointments look like?

-antenatal wellbeing checks

-organisation of relevant screening (pathology, ultrasounds, health screening etc)

-referrals with specialist care, as appropriate

-continuing birth education

-private, personalised and connected care consults

-collaboration with chosen birthing hospital

-ongoing birth planning

-postnatal Midwifery care for the first 6 weeks

-personalised care tailored to your postnatal needs

-baby wellness checks (weight, screening, measurements etc)

-lactation support and referral if necessary

-emotional support

-pathology testing, if appropriate

-chitty chats with a delicious coffee

AND SO much more!


Our Services


Private midwifery care, tailored to you unique needs. Mutual planning to birth in the comfort of your home, with your known midwife.

Continuity of care at it’s finest, with you as the centre-piece.

*Medicate rebates for appointments are available for eligible medicare card holders.

Birth support (in hospital)

‘Stay home as long as you can!’

Here’s a support bundle to help you achieve this!

x3 bulk-billed ‘getting to know you’ chats throughout your pregnancy plus hospital-birth support, is at your service.

*Bulk-billing available to eligible medicare card holders

Shared care

When planning a hospital birth, it IS still possible to have private midwifery care!

Choose to attend ‘the clinic’ for bulk-billed pregnancy care, in collaboration with your chosen birthing hospital.

*Medicate rebates for appointments available, for eligible medicare card holders

Bulk-billed Telehealth

Did you understand what just happened in your hospital appointment?

Do you need a ‘fill-up’ appointment to clarify some concerns in between the usual schedule?

Telehealth and phone consultations are here for the taking!

*Bulk-billing available to eligible medicare card holders

Post natal care

You’ve birthed your baby, now what?

Come to the clinic from Week 2 of life for bulk-billed care OR have in-home private care, from birth to 6 weeks (and 6 days!) postpartum.

*Bulk-billing available to eligible medicare card holders

To Birth Beautifully Clinic

Unit 2, 37 Hamilton Street,

Gisborne, VIC

*currently on maternity leave as of March ‘24

Accepting limited homebirth Client’s for 2024.

0409 711 098




  • “There is no force equal to that of a determined woman.”

    —Author unknown

  • “There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.”

    —Laura Stavoe Harm

  • “It is important to keep in mind that our bodies must work pretty well, or their wouldn't be so many humans on the planet.”

    ― Ina May Gaskin

  • "The parallels between making love and giving birth are clear, not only in terms of passion and love, but also because we need essentially the same conditions for both experiences: privacy and safety."

    — Dr Sarah J. Buckley