You’re an important puzzle piece, so take note!

Season 2, Episode #1

S2/Ep 1

What does it mean to be a ‘willing’ midwife?! 

The inspiration for this episode comes from an episode of ‘The great birth rebellion’ podcast’. I love a good birth conversation and Rhea Dempsey has stirred up this latest thread.

We know about Rhea’s concept of a ‘willing’ woman to walk into labour and surrender to the journey. 

BUT what does it mean to be the ‘willing’ midwife to hold the door open for that woman?!

What do we need to be aware of?

How does that look in interacting with women?

And how can we change this when/if we become aware that this extra-amazing version of ourselves is needed!

Listen as we discuss:

  • The energy we bring to the birth suite is SO important and influential-both negatively and positively.

  • Keep an eye on your belief in birth working in the hospital. This view can become skewed the more we see as ‘normal’ in this birthing context. Birth works.

  • Being able to recite every policy and draw up antibiotics with one hand isn’t the most important part of your role.

  • An awareness of physiology, psychology, communication, social interactions AND how this plays out in the birth suite is the nuts and bolts of midwifery care.

  • Gold stars about using the ‘right’ color pen doesn’t mean you’ve made it-its a clue for you to keep delving into your own role and philosophy.

  • Knowing when to take time for yourself means you're able to fully embody ‘willing’ day in, day out.

  • Stay aware of your ability to provide exceptional care when your feeling depleted and the best ways YOU reset.

Click through below and have a listen.

Links and Resources:


Interview: Kate-Elizabeth