Interview: Jasmine Kostov

Podcast episode #5

Nurse, Midwife, MCHN, Mum, Owner ‘Let’s sleep’ baby sleep consultant

Interview: Jazz Kostov

Today we hear from Jasmine from ‘Let’s Sleep’, a past wonderful colleague of mine.

Jaz is a passionate Nurse, Midwife and Maternal and child Health Nurse. She is the go-to for sleep deprived parents and brings hands-on experience, knowledge and heart-filled wisdom to reclaim a family’s sleep. Using responsive strategies that suit your child and life, I’m here to give you the tools – and sleep – you crave. Jaz works in your home in Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula or online and supports families with sleep and settling from birth to five years old.

We get chatty about what led her to study Midwifery after completing her Nursing degree. This bright-eyed bushy tailed human seemed to always be studying and exploring learning when I met her. And tbh I was in complete awe-how on earth did she manage it all?! (I remember that zest for learning and work!).

Jasmine reflects on her career progression from ward life, to community Midwifery and now settling into her own business-Let’s Sleep, WHILE getting married, buying and renovating a new home and birthing her own babe. When connecting the dots backwards, where Jazz sits atm makes perfect sense! The long drives, tricky hours and assignments were and continue to be worth it for the knowledge and level of expertise she possesses. 

  • Why Jaz  ‘became’ a Midwife

  • Overcoming initial apprehension around working on the Midwifery ward

  • Appeal of working (and loving!) the postnatal ward

  • The path of continual learning in healthcare and exit strategy

  • Challenges of hospital work and its effects on care of self and personal life

  • Ongoing systemic strain

  • Hot tips around self care and shift work

  • Baby sleep chats and its impact on our mental health

  • The bigger vision of having sleep education become as mainstream as birth education!

This journey hasn’t been without its challenges: busy shifts, toxic workplace culture, challenging personalities, career hurdles, personal life and SO much more. These tricky spots were handled with an honest look at self and a prioritisation and thought-process that has ensured longevity and a fresh perspective.

Happy listening!

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