Let’s work our way back to MARVEL

Today we’re chitty chatting about the second core element of the ‘MMM’ framework-MARVEL!

This may sound like an interesting topic to cover, however when you’re able to bring ‘it’ all back to the bare bones, you’re able to rediscover your passion and drive for a career you’ve dedicated SO much time, energy, tears and dollar bucks to.

Here we will uncover what it means to truly marvel at birth again! Do you remember that?! We will explore rediscovering your philosophy, how you integrate this in your #werklyfe and to find the special moments in the most hectic of days!

I’ll also share my 3 hot tips that have brought me back from the bring of bitter-battleaxe Midwife to deeply passionate and motivated Midwife again.

  • Work out where you are right NOW-journal, chat, reflect and find out how deep your ‘tude runs

  • Remembering the ‘wow’ factor around birth and rediscovering your philosophy on birth can help you shift through to the next step

  • Integrate these hot tips to push you along

Let’s jump in!

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It’s all in the mind…set!


There’s more than one ‘M’ in Midwife.