It’s all in the mind…set!

Podcast episode #3

It’s all in the mind…set!

Here is our final ‘M’ in the framework, all wrapped up nicely in a bow! Tah-dah!

Our mindset walking in the double doors at work can have a huge impact on the energy in a birth room. Walking in feeling crappy and cranky can manifest with you feeling worse by the end of the shift because you haven’t fulfilled your own expectations of care provision.

Or perhaps as with the case in ‘survival mode’, you're JUST trying to get through the day and get outta there again. This all has an impact on you, your colleagues and the people you're caring for.

A junk mindset affects your perception of the fulfillment your getting from work, can build up stress and tension in your body AND leech into all aspects of your ‘outside’ life.

In this episode we chat about:

>Recap how powerful the mind is in affecting your emotions, physical responses and functioning.

>Take a look at your own energy and how to tweak it before bringing that stink into a birth suite

>Other tips and tricks to nut out where your at…ps I’m pretty sure you know this already!

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